guide Bosch Rexroth

guide Bosch Rexroth

Pupils who have a temporary change of address Pupils who are entitled to free transport and have a temporary change of address (this could be staying with friends/relatives whilst parents are away or in hospital) will not have alternative transport arrangements provided for them.transportguide Schools pupils need to attend to qualify for Free School Transport. The Local Authority will only provide free school transport for pupils attending one of the following types of schools, providing they meet the qualifying criteria:  Community, Foundation or Voluntary schools  Community or Foundation Special Schools  Non-maintained Special Schools ( those which are not maintained by the local authority)  Pupil Referral Units  Academies, including Free Schools. How often do I have to apply for free home-to-school transport? Once you have been awarded free home-to-school transport to your requested school it will be secured until the end of your schooling at that school. However if you move address or school within this time transport will cease and a new application and assessment will need to be carried out. Transport under the low income criteria is reviewed on an academic basis. If you have secured transport under the low income criteria and your entitlement can be confirmed with the DWP office at the time of renewal (between June – August) your transport will be extended for the next academic year. If we cannot confirm your entitlement School Admissions will write to you requesting evidence of your benefit claim to enable transport to be extended.